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Warlord Games

Chindit Section

Reference: 402212104
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Great Britain's armies had suffered cruelly at the hands of the ferocious Japanese assaults of 1941 and 1942, leading some to think of the simple Japanese soldier as an invincible foe in the steaming jungles of the Far East.1



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Great Britain's armies had suffered cruelly at the hands of the ferocious Japanese assaults of 1941 and 1942, leading some to think of the simple Japanese soldier as an invincible foe in the steaming jungles of the Far East.

Brigadier Orde Wingate thought otherwise, organising long penetration columns of British, Indian and Burmese troops to plunge unsupported behind the Japanese lines and raise havoc on the road rail and supply trains.

This box set contains a metal 10-man section:

  • NCO with rifle
  • 2-man Bren gun LMG team
  • 7 riflemen

He chose regular soldiers – the King’s Liverpool Rifles and Gurkhas, for instance – and trained them for astonishingly arduous marches and vicious battles with a ruthless enemy. They raided the Japanese where they would be least expected, carrying all they needed on their backs and on the backs of their trusty mules, and receiving essential supplies by air drops where possible.

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Great Britain's armies had suffered cruelly at the hands of the ferocious Japanese assaults of 1941 and 1942, leading some to think of the simple Japanese soldier as an invincible foe in the steaming jungles of the Far East.1

With trademark red beret and armed with Sten and Bren Guns the British Airborne were determined and tenacious, as only the British Tommy can be. Striking German forces with precision and speed during actions at Pegasus Bridge, the Merville Battery and during Operation Market Garden in Arnhem, the Red Devils became legendary.

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