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    Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Gamemaster's Guide

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    Achtung! Cthulhu is a setting for Lovecraftian roleplaying during World War II, which allows players to discover the truth behind the malign influence of the Mythos on the Nazi war machine and beyond, as conflict engulfs the globe during 1939-1945.

    In this pulp-influenced world of brave Allied heroes and dauntless two-fisted adventure, players will take on the roles of Allied servicemen and women, secret agents, members of the resistance or even hapless civilians caught up in the wider conflict. All stand firm against the twisted might of the Nazi occult: the Cult of the Black Sun, who wield foul magic and summon captive horrors in their bid unleash Yog-Sothoth and Nachtwölfe, their nominal allies and rivals who place their trust in Atlantean technology, weird science, and strange wonder weapons to prevail.

    Players will experience a world where dread secrets and powerful artefacts lie forgotten in ancient ruins, abandoned sites and forgotten cities, and peer deep into dusty tomes and manuscripts seeking to understand eldritch knowledge that was never meant for the sight of mortals. They’ll arm themselves with experimental technology and deadly weapons and learn to wield powerful magical spells or harness potent psychic powers to fight against this uncanny threat.

    They’ll also encounter exotic native races like the Deep Ones, undersea worshippers of the dreaming god Cthulhu, or the strange Mi-Go, fungoid-insectoid beings from the furthest corners of the solar system who have come to Earth for an unknown purpose. Towering over them all are the monsters, entities and gods of the Mythos themselves, who seek to take advantage of the chaos of the second world war to extend their dominion over the minds of men.

    Will your heroes prevail against all odds, or will they, like so many others before, fall to the malign influence of the Mythos? That is your story to tell…

    Inside this Gamesmaster's Guide 260+ page full colour US Letter sized hardback you’ll find: 

    • Dedicated advice on the art of gamemastering including managing the game economy and specific tips for creating memorable characters, adventures and campaigns to thrill and delight your players. 
    • Major new lore and detailed background information on the six major factions contesting the Secret War: Section M, Majestic, Black Sun, Nachtwölfe, the Deep Ones and Mi-Go including their backgrounds, history, hierarchy, secret bases and missions and goals. 
    • A vast repository of hidden lore and forbidden magical knowledge including new Mythos books and tomes, powerful ritualistic magic, plus the damnable spellbooks of Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth and dread Cthulhu himself! 
    • Arm your players with a wealth of new weapons and espionage devices from secret government labs and classified research departments with the Secret Weapons of the Secret War chapter. 
    • Complete profiles and statistics for the powerful heroes and villains of the Secret War, the men and women who do battle for the fate of mankind, plus a huge bestiary brimming with all the terrifying gods, monsters and entities of the Mythos themselves.

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    • Create your own Star Trek stories of discovery and adventure on the final frontier
    • Guidelines for Game masters old and new, on how to run an adventure of exploration and discovery for the crew of a Federation starship
    • A full catalogue of aliens and antagonists including Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, the Borg and the Dominion
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