Black Powder Epic Battles

Warlord Games

French Middle & Old Guard



  • 3 x Epic Battles: Napoleonic French Middle/Old Guard infantry plastic sprues.
  • 3 x Epic Battles: plastic base sprues.
  • 1 x Full-colour Napoleonic French flag leaflet.
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Warlord Games

French Light Cavalry Brigade


This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three French light cavalry regiments (21 Lancers, 18 Hussars and 21 Chasseurs a Cheval) and a 3-gun horse artillery 6-pdr battery.

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Warlord Games

French Infantry Brigade


This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three French line or light infantry regiments of 80 men each, 24 voltigeurs skirmishing, a 3-gun Foot Artillery 6-pdr battery and a mounted brigade commander.

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Warlord Games

British Heavy Cavalry Brigade


This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three British heavy cavalry regiments (two bases of Royal Scots Greys, three bases of Household Cavalry and six bases of Heavy Dragoons) and a 3-gun battery of Royal Horse Artillery 6-pdrs.

    Warlord Games

    British Light Cavalry Brigade


    This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three British light cavalry regiments (3 bases of Hussars in shako, 3 bases of Hussars in busby and 5 bases of Light Dragoons) and a 3-gun battery of Royal Horse Artillery 9-pdrs.

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    Warlord Games

    The Iron Brigade


    The Iron Brigade (or black hats) was an infantry brigade in the Union Army of the Potomac, formed of regiments of three now Midwest states.

      Warlord Games

      Cavalry Brigade


      Cavalry played a pivotal role in all conflicts up to and including the American Civil War, however it is fair to say that the use of cavalry was forever changed during the War.

        Warlord Games

        Confederate Brigade


        The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines.

          Warlord Games

          Union Brigade


          The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines.

            Warlord Games

            Epic Battles: Waterloo - Blücher's Prussian Army starter set


            After Napoleon entered Paris and started the Hundred Days campaign, King William II of Prussia recalled Blücher from his retirement in Silesia and set him the task of facing down the upstart Frenchman. He was placed in command of the Army of the Lower Rhine and quickly marched west to join the Anglo-Dutch allies, hoping to consolidate their forces.

              Warlord Games

              Prussian Infantry Brigade


              Smartly dressed in sombre dark uniforms the ranked columns of Prussian infantry marched steadily to face Napoleon. Even after suffering a bitter defeat Ligny, in the midst of retreat, the disciplined professional soldiers were still able to muster their resolve and turn to England's aid, falling on Napoleon's flank at the pivotal moment during the Battle of Waterloo.

                Warlord Games

                Prussian Cavalry Brigade


                Thousands of cavalry rode with the Prussian army, forming intimidating walls of charging horse flesh. The Dragoons formed the shock heavy cavalry, pounding the enemy, while the more numerous Hussars acted as the eyes and ears of the divisions. It was brave lance-armed Uhlans that charged to Blüchers rescue at Ligny. Following behind, ahead of the main army, were the skirmishing Jäger (hunter) light infantry.

                  Warlord Games

                  Prussian Landwehr Brigade


                  After losing to Napoleon in 1806 the Treaty of Tilsit neutered the Prussian army, allowing the once proud country only a tiny standing army. Despite ingenious efforts to circumvent the wording of the treaty, the Prussian army that mustered to fight in the Hundred Days campaign was mostly made from volunteer Landwehr militia (literally, country defenders).

                    Warlord Games

                    Plancenoit Scenery Pack


                    The village of Plancenoit saw bitter hand-to-hand fighting and close quarters carnage as von Bülow's Prussian IV Korps entered the fray at Waterloo. Will your French army wrestle back control of this key strategic position for the Emperor or will your grim and resolute Prussians sweep away the hated French and carry victory for von Blücher's army?

                      Warlord Games

                      Papelotte Farm Scenery Pack


                      Can you succeed where Napoleon Bonaparte's French Army failed? Can you capture the farm at Papelotte from the Allied garrison before the Prussians enter the field during the battle of Waterloo, or will your valiant Nassau defenders see off the savage assaults of Les Bleus?

                        Warlord Games

                        Napoelonic Prussian Commanders


                        With Napoleon once again on the rise, the Prussians wasted no time in mustering against him, spoiling for a fight. The Army of the Lower Rhine marched across Europe to join the Allies, led by the fiery General Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher.

                          Warlord Games

                          Napoleonic French Commanders


                          Marching once again to glory, the Grande Armée of Imperial France is set on crushing its enemies in a decisive battle. Taking to the field once again are France's stalwart and loyal commanders, led by ‘Boney’ himself, Napoleon Bonaparte. ‘Vive L'Empereur!’

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                          Warlord Games

                          Napoleonic British & Allied Commanders


                          When the upstart Napoleon marched to war once again, the Seventh Coalition of European powers quickly gathered to halt him. The cream of British and Allied commanders took to the field, led by ‘Old Nosey’ himself, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.

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                          Warlord Games

                          Epic Battles: The Hundred Days Campaign Supplement


                          Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican Tyrant, plunged Europe back into war once again by leading an emboldened French army against a resolute England and her allies. The Hundred Days campaign raged, witnessing numerous battles both before and after that decisive day at Waterloo.

                            Warlord Games

                            French Old Guard Grenadiers


                            There are few soldiers more famous than the Grenadiers of the Old Guard, veteran soldiers of many campaigns who would literally give their lives for their Emperor if needed.

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