Black Powder Epic Battles

Warlord Games

The Iron Brigade


The Iron Brigade (or black hats) was an infantry brigade in the Union Army of the Potomac, formed of regiments of three now Midwest states.

    Warlord Games

    Cavalry Brigade


    Cavalry played a pivotal role in all conflicts up to and including the American Civil War, however it is fair to say that the use of cavalry was forever changed during the War.

      Warlord Games

      Confederate Brigade


      The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines.

        Warlord Games

        Union Brigade


        The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines.