May 13, 2023
2:00 pm
We are organising a very special Learn To Play: Warhammer Fantasy RPG this coming May! We have the pleasure to have Nicholas Chen from to lead this special Learn to Play. Nick loves unconventional RPG systems and can’t wait to share his vast knowledge with you!
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP) takes you back to the Old World. Get the gang together, create your (anti)heroes, and set off to make your way through the vile corruption, scheming plotters and terrifying creatures intent on destruction. Prepare yourself to fight for your survival, investigate the strange and unnatural and to face corruption on all sides. Prepare yourself for danger, as lethal threats are everywhere, and violence alone may not be the best solution. And, most of all, prepare yourself for the grim and perilous adventure of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay!
Date: 13 May 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm – 6pm
Where XPIDEMIX: 63 E Coast Rd, #01-03, Singapore 428773
Fees: $15/pax