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Amoured Fury: Bolt Action TANK WAR Tournament

Event Date:

May 20, 2023

Event Time:

11:00 am

Event Location:

Xpidemix Store

Warlord Games Tank War is a tabletop miniature wargame that simulates armored warfare during World War II. The game is played using miniature tanks and vehicles on a tabletop battlefield, with players taking turns to move their units and engage in combat. Please refer to the TANK WAR supplement book for rules and force composition.

An Introduction to Tank War by Alessio Cavatore - Warlord Games

Rules and Regulations

  1. 1500 point Standard Reinforced Armored Platoon
  2. Crew Upgrades are in effect as per Tank War Rule book. Players May choose to upgrade.
  3.  Players may field in any number of platoons up to 1500 point total.
  4.  Upgraded Tank Crew CAN be brought over to their next game. 

Bolt Action: What is Tank War? - Warlord Games

Event Rules

Players will play 3 two-hour games. Once “time up” is announced, the current turn will be completed.
• Armies will consist of 1,500 points or less.
• Standard Reinforced Armored Lists are to be built using guidelines found in the Tank War supplement as well as the Bolt Action Rulebook and published army books.
• A single selector will be used for Armored Platoons and a player may bring a second platoon using the Standard Platoon selector.
• Bolt Action rules for each game will be as the most recent FAQ/Errata (available on the Warlord Forum).


• First and foremost a casual affair that promotes camaraderie, gentlemanly behavior, meeting new hobby enthusiasts and most of all fun! While there is certainly a competitive aspect to this event, winning games should never take priority over good sportsmanship and civilized behavior. In the end, it is all about grownups playing with toy soldiers, rolling dice and enjoying it. Don’t forget it! So, if you feel that you are taking the game a bit too seriously, head to the bar, get a drink, count to ten and come back to the gaming table relaxed. We will not tolerate inappropriate behavior.
• The models used in your army must comply with Xpidemix Event Policy.
• If illegal armies or rules violations are detected, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited.
• Xpidemix Bolt Action Tournament Judges’ and Officers’ rulings are final and arguments or poor conduct by players will not be tolerated. We reserves the right to remove players from the tournament.


The preliminary schedule is as follows: 20th May 2023

11:00 am – 11:15 am Registration and Introduction
11:30 am – 1:30 pm Game 1
1:30 am – 2:15 pm  Break
2:15 pm – 4:15 pm Game 2
4:15 pm – 4:45 pm Break
4:45pm – 6:45 pm Game 3
7:00pm – 8:00pm Awards


• For the first round players will be paired randomly. After the first round, Swiss-pairing format will be used to determine opponents and pairings will be based on results.
• A results slip will be provided for both players to complete at the end of each game.
• In the event of a tie, players will be matched by Casualty points.
• Depending on the participation, you MAY play the same person twice.


• Once a game is finished, victory is determined by objectives held per scenario description.
• If a winner cannot be determined by objectives held, then the winner is the player who destroyed more point enemy points; called Causality points. If the point difference is less than 51 points; the game
was a draw.
• A win is worth three points, a draw is worth two points, and a loss is worth zero points.
• Each player is required to keep track of total Casualty points. The total Casualty points may be used to determine the winner of the tournament, in the event of a tie. Your opponent should provide the casualty points for each game and you can check their roster to collaborate.


Bolt Action: What is Tank War? - Warlord Games

TBD – Scenario details will be added to this packet at a future date.


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By: Xpidemix

  • Xpidemix Store
  • 427681
  • Singapore

Event Schedule Details

  • May 20, 2023 11:00 am   -   8:00 pm
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