Call of Cthulhu RPG – Entering the Shadows of Normandy

Event Date:

November 11, 2023

Event Time:

7:00 pm

Event Location:

Xpidemix Store

1942, the Second World War is in full swing… but unknown to most, there is another sinister war going on. Strap yourself for an adventure during the WW2 era and uncover an unspeakable mystery!

This is a beginner friendly Call of Cthulu adventure that is part of a larger campaign storyline. Those that are new to CoC RPG are welcome.

  • pre generated characters for new players
  • players with ready profiles are welcome
  • please inform the GM if your character is an established CoC veteran

For those who wants to create thier own characters beforehand, you can find out more here…

More about the Adventure…

Within the War Department, there is a specialized division tasked with delving into Hitler’s fascination with the occult. A renowned researcher, whom we have deployed for this purpose, has disappeared while providing support to the French rebels on the western warfront.

You have been called back into active service due to your exceptional qualities and extensive experience. Your mission entails locating, providing updates, and offering assistance.

We will be running CoC RPG based on the 7th Edition rules and stats.

Do sign up if you are keen to join! Ticketing details below.


Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

By: Xpidemix

  • Xpidemix Store
  • 427681
  • Singapore

Event Schedule Details

  • November 11, 2023 7:00 pm 11:00 pm
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