July 1, 2023
2:00 pm
We are organizing a series of Learn To Plays of various RPGs! Bored of #DungeonsAndDragons? Come and join our sharing series by our very own community members as they share their favourite RPGs!
This July, we’re excited to have Brian Hardy to share the FATE RPG system! Come and learn how easy it is to learn a an RPG system where you decide on your own powers, decide on your own skills, and even decide on your own destiny! Your FATE is in your hands!
Suitable for both experienced RPG players and total beginners.
Day: 01 July 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm – 6pm
Venue: Xpidemix (#01-03 63 E Coast Rd, Singapore 428776)
Fee: $15 / pax
All materials provided
10% off storewide