Critical and Fumbles

Critical And Fumbles

Blight - 7 set RPG Dice


4th level necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

    Critical And Fumbles

    Dispel Magic - 7 set RPG Dice


    3rd Level  abjuration
    Casting Time: 1 action
    Range: 120 feet
    Target: One creature, object, or magical effect within range
    Components: V S
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

      Critical And Fumbles

      Heat Metal - 11 set RPG Dice


      2nd level  transmutation

      Casting Time: 1 action
      Range: 60 feet
      Target: A manufactured metal object that you can see within range
      Components: V S M (A piece of iron and a flame)
      Duration: Up to 1 minute
      Classes: Bard, Druid

        Critical And Fumbles

        Ice Storm - 7 set RPG Dice


        4th level evocation

        Casting Time: 1 action
        Range: 300 feet
        Target: A 20-foot radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range
        Components: V S M (A pinch of dust and a few drops of water)
        Duration: Instantaneous
        Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

          Critical And Fumbles

          Holy Aura - 11 set RPG Dice


          8th level abjuration

          Casting Time: 1 action
          Range: Self
          Target: Self
          Components: V S M (A tiny reliquary worth at least 1,000 gp containing a sacred relic, such as a scrap of cloth from a saint’s robe or a piece of parchment from a religious text)
          Duration: Up to 1 minute
          Classes: Cleric