Home Infinity N4 Undertown – The seedier side of the Sphere

Undertown – The seedier side of the Sphere


Undertown is first in a series of urban sets for Infinity the Game but is also suitable for other 28-32mm sci-fi, near-future or cyberpunk games.

Buildings are pre-painted using the ‘Pristine’ system that leaves surfaces clean of laser marks.

Once constructed… the buildings are table ready and can be expanded upon with thematic resin add-ons.

Buildings have differing colours on the interior and exterior faces, varying colours of trim, windows, doors and door frames. We make use of varying thicknesses and colours of acrylic with ‘reverse-etch’ and many of the buildings can be illuminated to produce visually stunning gaming tables.

We selected this scenery bundle as it provides a range of tactical challenges that make the player think how they can move around the table. Different buildings should present different challenges as this combines with layout to produce the most challenging environments.

Every building presents you with a different challenge, your streets will be alive with scenery that immerse you into the rich background of Infinity the Game.  

Scenery is also a tool to help you build great tables, thematic add-ons that are designed to deal with specific game functions such as blocking LOS or offering cover in specific circumstances.  

These elements are moveable and modular, allowing you to vary your tables’ challenge even without moving buildings. They will allow you to build tables that cater to all weapon ranges and be both functional and fantastic.  

Key Design Elements: 

1) Roofs must be easily, but securely, removable to offer safe access to the inside of buildings.
2) Sub-levels must be easily accessible with minimal fuss and without disturbing figures on higher levels.
3) Recognise that getting to the top of a building should not always be the “best” option and acknowledge that there should be a variable Risk V Reward factor when moving in the game.
4) There must be methods of controlling Line of Sight, countering long lanes of fire, from tall buildings or along roads, but there also should be some long lanes of sight on tables. 

So no fancy MDF locking mechanism, no awkward latches to remove, or magnets to adjust – just lift them on and off.

There are multiple ways of controlling LOS: free-standing scenery, billboards and hanging signs that allow you to control LOS from any structure. 

Look out for the The UNDERTOWN terrain coming soon to the tables at XPIDEMIX!

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