Home Bolt Action Radio Network and Crew Rules in Tank War 20th May 2023 Tournament

Radio Network and Crew Rules in Tank War 20th May 2023 Tournament


We are including these rules (found in Tank War rule book pg 26) in the upcoming Tank War tournament. We have modified and simplified it slightly for the upcoming Tournament.

Radio Network

Armoured Platoon Commander

If the 3 vehicles that make up the platoon are of the same entry, they are then eligible to add a RADIO NETWORK. The platoon command vehicle gains +1 boost to the usual +1/+2 morale bonus. Vehicles from other platoon still receive the normal +1/+2 bonus as usual (no boost)

Armoured Company Commander

If your force includes 2 or more platoon, ONE of the Platoon Commander with a Radio Network can be upgraded to Company Commander. This adds +2 boost to the morale bonus making in +3 boost.
Note: This means you are paying 15 points total for Radio Network for this particular commander.

Armoured Battalion Commander

If your force includes 3 or more platoon, ONE of the Platoon Commander with a Radio Network can be upgraded to Battlion Commander. This adds +3 boost to the morale bonus making in +4 boost.
Note: This means you are paying 25 points total for Radio Network for this particular commander.


The number of crew in vehicles varies, but we will concentrate on the 3 core crew of the vehicles ( Tanks and Armoured vehicles).

For smaller vehicles or vehicles which logically doesn’t fit the above mentioned cew compliment. The core crew will only be the driver so the Driver skill upgrade is applicable for them.


The more fighting a crew takes part in the more experience it accumulates in the form of XP. There are TWO ways a crew can gain XP:

  1. Destroying enemy units : For each kill, the unit gains XP equal to the point cost of the destroyed vehicles divided by 10 (rounded down)
  2. Surviving: At the end of the game, a surviving vehicle crew gains 20 XP. Please take note and inform the TO to legally bring it over into the next game.

Spending XP

You can spend a crews XP

  1. during a game at the same time you give that unit an order.
  2. to gain skills and it cost 50 XP a roll to gain a skill
  3. the skill is active immdiately and you can use it immediately

Skills and Crew Quality (Modified for Tournament)

As you gain skills, your unit veterancy will also increase. FOR EVERY 2 skills accquired, you can increase the veterancy level for that unit.

Gaining Skills

When you pick a vehicle unit to give an order to, you can spend 50 points of the crew XP to roll for a new skill. The test to gain is made before making any order test that is required.

Roll D6 for Crew

  1. 1 – 2 DRIVER
  2. 3 – 4 GUNNER
  3. 5 – 6 COMMANDER

Roll D6 for Driver Skill

  1. Quick Reflexes – Unit now has RECEE ability
  2. Lead Foot – Vehicle gets additional 6″ for RUN or ADVANCE order
  3. Crank Head – Vehicle gets additional (up to) 90 degree pivot for RUN or ADVANCE order
  4. Eye for Terrain – Vehicle that ends movement at least 12″ and IN COVER , will gain HIDDEN.
  5. Push Through – When vehicle given/changed DOWN order dice for ANY reason, it is turned into ADVANCE and can execute it. If the vehicles has pins, take an order test as per normal.
  6. Bulldozer – When you give a RUN order, you may assault another vehicle without the need for order test (even when pinned). Furthermore, it rolls a 6 for the resulting assault.

Roll D6 for Gunner Skills

  1. Deadeye – Play before you roll to hit. Add 3 to a single shot’s hit modifier. 1 is always a miss irregardless.
  2. Snap Shooter – Play after a target attempts to react. Target cannot react INCLUDING recce.
  3. Hair Trigger – After run move, unit may also SHOOT.
  4. Adrenalin Rush – Play after you fire vehicle main gun. You may fire main gun a SECOND time at the SAME target.
  5. Skill Shot – Play when you give a FIRE order. The PEN value of main gun is increased by D3 including HE.
  6. Long Shot – Play when you select a target for vehicle main gun. The range of the main gun is doubled.

Roll D6 for Commander Skills

  1. Lucky – Play when enemy is about to roll damage results chart. The ROLL is not made and the vehicle does not suffer any adverse effects from the hit. (Meaning that tank can potential get Knocked Out… you can give it PINs though!)
  2. Strict Discipline – Play before giving an order. Vehicle loses all of its PIN counter.
  3. Eagle Eye – When your vehicle is being targeted for an attack or assault, it may REACT by shooting at the attacker with any one weapon that has LOS to the attacker.
  4. Motivational Leader – Play when giving the vehicle an order. Choose 1 gunner or driver skill you have used this game. You may use it one more time this game. If your crew has no driver or gunner skill yet, you may re-roll the Commander table again instead of receiving this skill
  5. Battle Awareness – Play after both sides has been deployed. You may reposition this vehicle 12″ away from its original position but still abide deployment rules.
  6. Follow Me! – Before giving the vehicle a run or advance order, choose a friendly vehicle within 12″ and LOS of this vehicle. If it has a DOWN order, put it back into the order dice bag.

If you roll a skill that a crew member already has, you can then CHOOSE any skill from that crew member’s table.

If the crew member you rolled already has all six skills, you may then CHOOSE either of the crew to roll a skill for.


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